

Cinnober has extensive knowledge of both the financial business processes and the technology aspects and provide custom built solutions.

All Cinnober products are based on our own third generation 100% pure Java platform.

A solid base where technical and architectural problems have already been solved results in short development time.

The technical benefits of using products based on include:

Platform Independence (100% Java)
Scalable solutions
Wide choice of hardware, operating systems and databases.
The continued development of the platform is based on customer needs and keeping a close watch on advances in modern technologies.


The Platform
The platform provides a technical and functional base for exchange, bank and brokerage firm services. Its core is the on-line trading platform for equities, derivatives and other financial instruments. Various add on services can be connected to the platform.

The development of the platform is carried out in close cooperation with our customers. The goal is to ensure the most advanced use of modern technologies in its continuous development.

Key features of the Platform:
A portfolio of financial products, ready to use or adapted to suit your needs
Business logic components, leveraging product development, increasing productivity
Short time-to-market for developed applications
Smooth integration with existing systems
Support for different client technologies
100% Java gives hardware and software independence
Systems Operations (SOPS)


Trading Technology